You do not see the reality every time. Your mind, dreams and reality are much inter-connected. Deja-Vu, Lucid dreams and Synchronicity are the set of experiences of mind over reality.
You feel like you had been at place earlier. You got images much clearer during your visits of the place. You may lead to past life experiences. Even past life may change your today’s behavior. You find strange and difficult to meet the persons of both lives together.
You sometime find yourself going ahead then time. You find yourself knowing something that has not yet occurred. You can imagine or see the future in shadows while sleeping.
Science explains that such things happens when two halves of the brain are not acting in harmony and thus image is received slightly in advance of the reality.
The phenomenon where double images are produced by inappropriate excitation is called ‘Deja-Vu’. That means something is already seen. As much as 70 percent of the population reports having experienced some form of déjà vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group.
Another state of mind is where we recognize our ability to alter perception and change an undesirable ending into a better one in our dreams. We realize our ability. Your dream generates confidence to tackle real life’s problems. Later it needs only a step to appreciating that we are also capable of bringing that change in our real life. Such dreams are known as ‘Lucid Dreams’.
Lucid dreaming is consciously perceiving and recognizing that one is in a dream while one is sleeping, and having control over the "dreamscape", or the faux-reality dream world within a dream. A person in a lucid dream with full control may morph the dreamscape into any virtual reality that person pleases, all with properties that feel identical to that of wakeful consciousness. Doing literally anything within a lucid dream is not outside one's ability.
Many a times we find it happening in our lives. The manager structured most of his meeting and presentation points in dreams. It is similar to capability of our thinking. I would rather put in other words. "You sleep but your mind doesn’t."
Further exploring states of mind; let’s map reality with mind’s thinking process.
My mind to me a Kingdom is;
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
That earth affords or grows by kind:
Though much I want which most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
- Edward Dyer (My mind to me a Kingdom is)
You will do what you think. It is something like you control mind. Mind never controls you. The perception and attitude are decision makers of all thinking processes in your personal life.
I was always told to be optimistic and thinking positive. If you think positive, you will result into positive. Negative thoughts bring negative results.
You feel like you had been at place earlier. You got images much clearer during your visits of the place. You may lead to past life experiences. Even past life may change your today’s behavior. You find strange and difficult to meet the persons of both lives together.
You sometime find yourself going ahead then time. You find yourself knowing something that has not yet occurred. You can imagine or see the future in shadows while sleeping.
The phenomenon where double images are produced by inappropriate excitation is called ‘Deja-Vu’. That means something is already seen. As much as 70 percent of the population reports having experienced some form of déjà vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group.
The mind however controls our real life - the actual life. Left mind considers numbers and right controls your imagination power. We can go in a detail how that works at some other time. But this article is to flash unknown events and mysteries of mind.
Any disorder of memory is called Paramnesia.
1. Condition in which the proper meaning of words cannot be remembered;
2. The illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time called also déjà vu. That is already discussed.
Jamais vu is another disorder of memory characterized by the illusion that the familiar is being encountered for the first time.
1. Condition in which the proper meaning of words cannot be remembered;
2. The illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time called also déjà vu. That is already discussed.
Jamais vu is another disorder of memory characterized by the illusion that the familiar is being encountered for the first time.
Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreaming is consciously perceiving and recognizing that one is in a dream while one is sleeping, and having control over the "dreamscape", or the faux-reality dream world within a dream. A person in a lucid dream with full control may morph the dreamscape into any virtual reality that person pleases, all with properties that feel identical to that of wakeful consciousness. Doing literally anything within a lucid dream is not outside one's ability.
Many a times we find it happening in our lives. The manager structured most of his meeting and presentation points in dreams. It is similar to capability of our thinking. I would rather put in other words. "You sleep but your mind doesn’t."
Further exploring states of mind; let’s map reality with mind’s thinking process.
My mind to me a Kingdom is;
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
That earth affords or grows by kind:
Though much I want which most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
- Edward Dyer (My mind to me a Kingdom is)
You will do what you think. It is something like you control mind. Mind never controls you. The perception and attitude are decision makers of all thinking processes in your personal life.
I was always told to be optimistic and thinking positive. If you think positive, you will result into positive. Negative thoughts bring negative results.
Jung identified a type of coincidence that was not just results of unplanned events. Tossing coins give either of two results. You stand in front of mirror; you will find your reflection. This is physical reality. We are able to grasp situation that ‘transcends space, time and causality’. The mind may interact with the rest of the universe and affect events. You can influence any event or happenings by attitude. This is called ‘Synchronicity’ - ‘Together Time’.
Have you ever faced an extraordinary disparity between the cause of the emotion and the emotion itself? Sigmund Freud explains, "Affect is the mental consequence of some outside stimulus. Psychosis is when the affect is excessive, but the person experiencing it thinks that this is perfectly reasonable and everyone else is wrong. These voices are completely real, as real as any other thing you can hear, but you can't find the speakers, and you can't shut them out. The speakers are inside your head."
State of Mind, Dreams and Reality are inter connected to some extend. Any evil dream that you saw dilutes your day. It pressures your mind and heart for whole day if not forgotten. Sorrow or troubles again bring such impacts on mind to rewind dreaming process.
Canst thou minister to a mind diseased,
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,
Raze out the written troubles of the brain,
And with some sweet oblivious antidote,
Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous matter
Which weighs upon the heart?
- Shakespeare ‘Macbeth’.
Remedies for any negative dreams or thoughts are to direct them to positivism. Laughing or being with friends or family enables you to control your state of mind directing to positive signs.
Have you ever faced an extraordinary disparity between the cause of the emotion and the emotion itself? Sigmund Freud explains, "Affect is the mental consequence of some outside stimulus. Psychosis is when the affect is excessive, but the person experiencing it thinks that this is perfectly reasonable and everyone else is wrong. These voices are completely real, as real as any other thing you can hear, but you can't find the speakers, and you can't shut them out. The speakers are inside your head."
State of Mind, Dreams and Reality are inter connected to some extend. Any evil dream that you saw dilutes your day. It pressures your mind and heart for whole day if not forgotten. Sorrow or troubles again bring such impacts on mind to rewind dreaming process.
Canst thou minister to a mind diseased,
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,
Raze out the written troubles of the brain,
And with some sweet oblivious antidote,
Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous matter
Which weighs upon the heart?
- Shakespeare ‘Macbeth’.
Remedies for any negative dreams or thoughts are to direct them to positivism. Laughing or being with friends or family enables you to control your state of mind directing to positive signs.
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