I came across this really neat piece by physicist Travis Taylor PhD called ‘Decoding The Law Of Attraction’. It is a free webinar where Taylor is interviewed by Bob Doyle. If you are like me constantly rummaging around for the scientific evidence behind the Metaphysical, you’ll find this a great find because he lays out the real science behind how we create our experience of reality in every moment. Someone who really knows what he’s talking about!
The Science Behind The Secret – The Quantum Connection:
I’ll share with you’ll what I particularly liked, the TOP 20 pointers you should pay attention to when you receive your link to watch and what a great job he does explaining the Big picture of quantum physics and you:
1.) We have always thought of our brains as a learning network but now scientists are beginning to find that our brains aren’t just computers but quantum ones to that. Our brains work through quantum physics.
2.) Key of quantum physics: Like things interact with like things and stay but when unlike things interact with like things, they vanish! Vanish!
3.) Most important: He puts it all together how quantum physics explains how our brains create a quantum wave function that is broadcast into the Universe and then interacts with every other quantum wave function in the Universe. No matter what the distance is between the like things in the Universe they will be attracted to each other.
With regards to this point, when you ponder on it for a few minutes, it really leaves you in awe. I don’t know about you but every time I come across statements like this I am physically moved to the point that I get so excited to be alive and just wanting to go out there and chase my dreams simply by being the magnet.
So if you aren’t what you want to be and you don’t have what you really want, then just ask yourself – Am I a magnet for ___ (fill in the space)?
You know when people tell you to be patient you’re Ms/Mr Perfect will arrive when the time is right? How soon is soon if you aren’t attracting the right partner? So of course I’m simplifying things here but I took love and relationships as an example here to discuss that when you are proactive, when you love and accept yourself, you are becoming that which you set out to find in others, not just a prospective life partner but friends too.
4.) In quantum physics, each individual thing > represented as > ripple in the fabric of the Universe itself > ripples = QWFs (quantum wave functions) = qwiffs, resulting in:
Like qwiffs interact with each other resulting in COHERENCE while
Unlike qwiffs vanish resulting in REDUCTION.
The like qwiffs coherence/interaction is what results in our reality.
5.) Your belief system should be in coherence with a possibility. Is the probability large, infinite or slim?
6.) When you find the right pitch and become coherent with whatever it is you want to become coherent with in the Universe, then that’s when you can make the actions happen. The like qwiffs have to cohere to the next state of reality.
7.) Everything is energy and WE are energy. Energy is the fabric of the Universe.
8.) The Law Of Abundance explanation Dr. Taylor gets into. You have to listen to it. If you want to learn it through and through, then study the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey.
9.) Big Bang Singularity: We are not in the Universe we are part of the Universe. “I am really connected to the Universe!”
10.) Cytoskeleton: Every living thing has something call tubulus. These micro tubular proteins are the key quantum wave function key transmission devices in the brain and all living things.
11.) There is a set of underlying Universal rules and do you want to know what the Eureka moment really is? Your mind cohering with the Universe, setting your brain enough to be LIKE that and then you get the AHA moment.
12.) Be what you want to be just by acting like you already have it. Don’t wish. Don’t want. Remember how I always say – Be it! Thank the Universe for it!
13.) Buddha said “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”
14.) Dr. Taylor starts promoting good thoughts about himself and everything around him. Even if he doesn’t want to buy into it! Say things to yourself like “I’m super awesome fabulous ___” (fill in all the super hero adjectives in here) but FEEL it ok?
15.) Multiple quantum state flux – it will be in a state until you make it in a form you want. Matter just waiting to happen! Imagine that!
16.) Gets interesting when he talks about how Conscious events happen in around 40 milliseconds. Also discusses how many neurons are fired up during a thought and action. How long will these neurons stay in these states? About 10-100millisecond.
17.) Pay attention to the part about Non Computable Question – It is what it is! (i.e. non computability) Quantum physics is the only known physical process that explains this.
18.) I really like this definition – A quantum computer compares the question to all known answers simultaneously and the correct answer stays while the incorrect answers vanish (like attracts like).
19.) The scientific community agrees that quantum physics happen almost instantly across the universe. We are one with the Universe!
20.) Very important: Controlling Your Thoughts – when you are thinking something, it is like you are sending an email to the Universe. Thought = email with not a lot of data there. Amount of data is directly proportional to the amount of energy required to send it OR is being sent.
I love this. Just listen to this: The analogy he’s trying to get across is that when we send this email, let’s add feelings to it, so that would mean more data, so we are moving into the territory of say adding pics (big size) to music files (bigger size). Get it? I want to be a data queen because I want to have a greater impact on the Universe.
So in practical terms: You don’t just wish for it, you feel yourself and see yourself doing or having it (even feeling the chills run down your back while you are experiencing it)
A physicist using a Vision Board…how awesome is that? He makes one and focuses on how it makes him feel.
He then shares some quotations in ‘What Quantum States Are You Reducing Right Now?’ My favorite from his list is Cheryl Richardson’s “The Universe is conspiring FOR me!” (not AGAINST, FOR!)