Thursday, December 29, 2011

Phobias: Strange fears we can't always explain!

Everyone's afraid of something.

Whether it be changing jobs, or not being financially secure, or having your child abducted, everyone has something to be afraid of in this world. Most fears are easily justified. It could be the number of car accidents reported on a particular highway section, or the startling amount of gunshots in a neighborhood. It could be the amount of hurricanes in the south, or the staggering number of young adults being diagnosed with Diabetes. A lot of things scare us.

But some things are just absurd.

A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Meaning, you're scared of something that you have no real reason to be afraid of. Phobias are psychological phenomenas that grip many people; there is no little bubble of specific phobias in one place. Almost everyone has one. A lot of people are able to overcome them. But there are some phobias that really are crazy, and I would like to share with you the most confusing, confounding, and hilarious phobias to date. Ready? Here we go!

A list of funny phobias:

Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing.
Acousticophobia - Fear of noise.
Agyrophobia - Fear of streets or crossing the street.
Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia - Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions.
Ambulophobia - Fear of walking.
Anablephobia - Fear of looking up.
Ancraophobia - Fear of wind.
Angrophobia - Fear of becoming angry.
Ankylophobia - Fear of immobility of a joint.
Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers.
Anuptaphobia - Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia - Fear of infinity.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers.
Astrophobia - Fear of stars and celestial space.
Asymmetriphobia - Fear of asymmetrical things.
Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
Aulophobia - Fear of flutes.
Aurophobia - Fear of gold.
Auroraphobia - Fear of Northern Lights.
Autodysomophobia - Fear that one has a vile odor.
Automatonophobia - Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues-anything that falsely represents a sentient being.
Automysophobia - Fear of being dirty.
Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
Batonophobia - Fear of plants.
Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
Bogyphobia - Fear of bogies or the bogeyman.
Bolshephobia - Fear of Bulsheviks.
Bromidrophobia - Fear of body smells.
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed.
Cathisophobia - Fear of sitting.
Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
Chaetophobia - Fear of hair.
Cherophobia - Fear of gaiety.
Chorophobia - Fear of dancing.
Chromatophobia - Fear of colors.
Chrometophobia - Fear of money.
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
Chronophobia - Fear of time.
Cibophobia - Fear of food.
Climacophobia - Fear of stairs, climbing or of falling downstairs.
Clinophobia - Fear of going to bed.
Cnidophobia - Fear of strings.
Cyberphobia - Fear of computers or working on a computer.
Cyclophobia - Fear of bicycles.
Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions.
Defecaloesiphobia - Fear of painful bowel movements.
Deipnophobia - Fear of dining and dinner conversation.
Dementophobia - Fear of insanity.
Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.
Dextrophobia - Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
Didaskaleinophobia - Fear of going to school.
Dikephobia - Fear of justice.
Diplophobia - Fear of double vision.
Dipsophobia - Fear of drinking.
Dishabiliophobia - Fear of undressing in front of someone.
Domatophobia - Fear of houses or being in a home.
Ecclesiophobia - Fear of church.
Electrophobia - Fear of electricity.
Eleutherophobia - Fear of freedom.
Enosiophobia - Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.
Eosophobia - Fear of dawn or daylight.
Epistemphobia - Fear of knowledge.
Eremophobia - Fear of being oneself or of lonliness.
Ergophobia - Fear of work.
Erythrophobia - Fear of redlights. Fear of blushing. Fear of red.
Euphobia - Fear of hearing good news.
Geliophobia - Fear of laughter.
Geniophobia - Fear of chins.
Genophobia - (mature content)
Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
Gephydrophobia - Fear of crossing bridges.
Gerontophobia - Fear of old people or of growing old.
Geumophobia - Fear of taste.
Graphophobia - Fear of writing or handwritting.
Gymnophobia - (slight mature content)
Hagiophobia - Fear of saints or holy things.
Hedonophobia - Fear of feeling pleasure.
Heliophobia - Fear of the sun.
Hellenologophobia - Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Hereiophobia - Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.
Heterophobia - Fear of the opposite sex.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
Hodophobia - Fear of road travel.
Homilophobia - Fear of sermons.
Hygrophobia - Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.
Hylophobia - Fear of forests.
Hynophobia - Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.
Hypengyophobia - Fear of responsibility.
Iatrophobia - Fear of going to the doctor or doctors.
Ideophobia - Fear of ideas.
Ithyphallophobia - (mature content)

The J ones (the two that there are listed) are a little racist, so we're not going to post them.

Kinesophobia - Fear of movement or motion.
Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms.
Kolpophobia - (mature content)
Kosmikophobi - Fear of cosmic phenomenon.
Kyphophobia - Fear of stooping.
Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables.
Laliophobia - Fear of speaking.
Leukophobia - Fear of the color white.
Levophobia - Fear of things to the left side of the body.
Liticaphobia - Fear of lawsuits.
Lockiophobia - Fear fo childbirth.
Logizomechanophobia - Fear of computers.
Logophobia - Fear of words.
Lutraphobia - Fear of otters.
Macrophobia - Fear of long waits.
Mageirocophobia *- Fear of cooking.
Maieusiophobia - Fear of childbirth.
Malaxophobia - Fear of love play.
Mechanophobia - Fear of machines.
Medomalacuphobia - (mature content)
Medorthophobia - (mature content)
Megalophobia - Fear of large things.
Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.
Melophobia - Fear of hatred or music.
Mertophobia - Fear or hatred of poetry.
Metallophobia - Fear of metal.
Metathesiophobia - Fear of changes.
Methyphobia - Fear of alcohol.
Microphobia - Fear of small things.
Mnemophobia - Fear of memories.
Monophobia - Fear of solitude or being alone.
Motorphobia - Fear of automobiles.
Musophobia - Fear of mice.
Mycophobia - Fear or aversion to mushrooms.
Mythophobia - Fear of myths or stories or false statements.
Namatophobia - Fear of names.
neophobia - Fear of anything new.
Nephophobia - Fear of clouds.
Nostophobia - Fear of returning home.
Novercaphobia - Fear of your step-mother.
Numerophobia - Fear of numbers.
Ochophobia - Fear of vehicles.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
Odontophobia - Fear of teeth or dental surgery.
Odynophobia - Fear of pain.
Oenophobia - Fear of wines.
Olfactophobia - Fear of smells.
Ombrophobia - Fear of rain or being rained on.
Ommatophobia - Fear of eyes.
Oneirogmophobia - (mature content)
Oneirophobia - Fear of dreams.
Onomatophobia - Fear of hearing a certain word or names.
Opthalmophobia - Fear of being stared at.
Optophobia - Fear of opening one's eyes.
Orthophobia - Fear of property.
Ouranophobia - Fear of heaven.
Pantophobia - Fear of everything.
Papaphobia - Fear fo the Pope.
Papyrophobia - Fear of paper.
Parthenophobia - Fear of virgins or young girls.
Patroiophobia - Fear of heredity.
Pedophobia - Fear of children.
Pentheraphobia - Fear of mother-in-law.
Phallophobia - (mature content)
Pharmacophobia - Fear of taking medicine.
Phengophobia - Fear of daylight or sunshine.
Philosophobia - Fear of philosophy.
Phobophobia - Fear of phobias.
Phonophobia - Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones.
Photophobia - Fear of light.
Phronemophobia - Fear of thinking.
Plutophobia - Fear of wealth.
Pogonophobia - Fear of beards.
Politicophobia - Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
Polyphobia - Fear of many things.
Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple.
Psellismophobia - Fear of stuttering.
Psychophobia - Fear of mind.
Pteronophobia - Fear of being tickled by feathers.

Oh darn, no Q's.

Rhabdophobia - Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic. (wand)
Rhytiphobia - Fear of getting wrinkles.
Rupophobia - Fear of dirt.
Samhainophobia - Fear of Halloween.
Scatophobia - Fear of fecal matter.
Sciophobia - Fear of shadows.
Scriptophobia - Fear of writing in public.
Selaphobia - Fear of light flashes.
Selenophobia - Fear of the moon.
Sinistrophobia - Fear of things to the left, left-handed.
Sitophobia - Fear of food or eating.
Soceraphobia - Fear of parents-in-law.
Sophophobia - Fear of learning.
Spacephobia - Fear of outer space.
Stasibasiphobia - Fear fo standing or walking.
Staurophobia - Fear of crosses or the crucifix.
Symbolophobia - Fear of symbolism.
Symmetrophobia - Fear of symmetry.
Syngenesophobia - Fear of relatives.
Tachophobia - Fear of speed.
Technophobia - Fear of technology.
Telephonophobia - Fear of telephones.
Testaphobia - Fear of taking test.
Textophobia - Fear of certain fabrics.
Theophobia - Fear of gods or religion.
Theologicophobia - Fear of theology.
Triskaidekaphobia - Fear of the number 13.

The two U's were lame. One's a repeat and the other's about pee. o_O

Vestiphobia - Fear of clothing.
Vitricophobia - Fear of step-father.
Walloonphobia - Fear of Walloons. (what on earth is a walloon?)
Xanthophobia - Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
Xerophobia - Fear of dryness.
Xylophobia - Fear of wooden objects. Forests.

No Y's. How sad.

Zelophobia - Fear of jelousy.
Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat.


It's a long list, but it's funny as heck.

People fear the strangest things. And while phobias are irrational, they are hard to overcome. This is my short list of personal phobias (I promise it's very short).

Aichmophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Cleisiophobia, Emetophobia, Harpaxophobia, Helminthophobia, Homophobia (Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual - I can't stand having monotony in life.), Iatrophobia, Isolophobia, Kenophobia, Maieusiophobia, Nosocomephobia, Pediculophobia, Pharmacophobia (Fear of taking medicine. I can take certain meds, but I can't swallow pills. I just can't.), Taphophobia, Tomophobia.

Okay, so it's not exactly that short. Most of those are relatively rational, and some weren't included in the funny list.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Work of Imagination

Imagination could be defined as the work of the mind that helps us create an artistic product, for instance. We can examine the different psychological reasons and resorts on which human imagination depends. Non-musicians, for instance, who are usually less capable of perceiving a musical piece through the same critical and analytical perspective of musical experts, are merely capable of transposing the audio excitation that usually translates into their minds into powerful emotions, into visual images. Thus, we could say that non-musicians "read" music through images, with the help of their imagination.

The ambiguous affective excitation can be manifested as personal reverie, incapable of adhering to the musical object. If it does adhere, it can only turn musical fragments into images. Even while the subject is in the process of creating his very own musically emotional sphere, it may happen for this sphere to go beyond the audio limits. Like a powerful excitation, it can make the individual's entire sensitivity system vibrate. This can be called sensorial transposition, transfer, correspondence, etc.

There is only one type of sensitivity at work in the aesthetic emotion. The entire human spirit takes part in the creation of this kind of emotion. There are a priori forms of the sensitive intelligence, so to say and these are in fact the great general laws of aesthetic sensitivity. There is also intelligence in action, the need to know things, to understand, together with the skills of intellectually representing and stylizing things. Imagination has the tendency to complete and go beyond the defined aesthetic feeling. In a way, imagination proclaims the unity of arts, beyond the peculiarities of any of these arts. Baudelaire was perhaps right when saying that in every work of art there is a missing part which is completed by the aesthetic subject's imagination. Each art actually represents only one aspect and artistic moment. At their very origin, arts get mixed in a sort of synthetic confusion, out of which they get differentiated in order to express themselves in their individuality and specificity.

Nonetheless, the deepest musical contemplation can quite often result in images and also a sort of mind poetry, images that are filled with musicality. Henri Delacroix compares the way of perceiving music and art in general, to the religious contemplation. He thus explains how certain mystics "find shelter" in the Divine shadow and reject everything that is labeled as distinct and ascertained. But there are other mystics also to which ecstasy is translated into visions. The void of the imagination often comes from a critical attitude, from choosing indifference and repression. Other mystics get rid of their visions by plunging into action.

On the other hand, there are mystics who accept and embrace their visions. They find them useful, something that they can learn from in order to develop spiritually. Visions can thus serve to explain the ambiguous, confused states of mind. Thus, they are the expression of ecstasy's utilitarian sense. At any rate, the analogy of the work of the imagination with the process of a vision-creating into the mind of a mystical person is quite interesting. Delacroix says that the state of ecstasy is first and foremost a state of mind that wants to impose itself onto the human spirit. Regardless of any elements that are stranger to the nature of contemplation itself, visions can be regarded as the expression of ecstasy's lyrical element. Because visions can satisfy a mystic's deepest tendencies and spiritual desires, they are cultivated and searched for.

Many people have the tendency to associate music with a certain interpretation, a science, an object. We are meant to search for meanings and intelligibility. In a chaos of impressions, we are looking for a certain map to get oriented. And because it does not pertain to chaos, music can direct us towards certain clear schemes. And instead of remaining immanent to the music, it can rise in front of the human spirit like a sort of symbol. Whether we associated music with visuals or not, one thing is for sure: all arts are interrelated and interconnected. And through the work of the imagination, they can be used together to enhance our aesthetic perception.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Ecstasy of Music

The effects of music on humans are perceived differently depending on the individual but one thing is certain: music will remain of heavenly origins!

In his book entitled "The Psychology of the Art", Henri Delacroix makes reference among other things to music and its effect on people, or rather explains what different people say music does to them. They refer chiefly to classical music, to symphonies in general. Delacroix says that Diderot in his "Letter about the Deaf and the Dumb" describes in a very precise and refined manner certain intense, violent and deep feelings that music may arouse in some of its listeners. Diderot claims that in music, the pleasure of the sensation depends on a certain peculiar disposition not only of the human ear, but also of the entire nervous system. Thus, according to Diderot, there are certain people in whom the fibers may oscillate with such intensity, vigor and vitality because of their encounter with musical harmonies, that they may feel as if they were dying of pleasure.

Diderot also poses some rhetorical questions regarding the intense way in which music can touch the human soul, as compared to other forms of art. It’s quite unusual for such an imprecise and arbitrary means of artistic expression to have such strong impact on people’s state of mind and spirit. In this respect, Diderot rhetorically assumes that the explanation for this phenomenon would be that music does not actually present objects, it deals with sounds, and therefore it allows people’s imagination to manifest more freely and openly. Or perhaps because we need to be shaken up a little bit in order to be impressed, music has a stronger impact than painting or poetry.

Camille Mauclair, the author of "The Religion of Music", gives a more precise description of this kind of ecstasy caused by the impact of music on our minds and souls. The effect of music on people is referred to by Delacroix as a sort of delirium of the infinity, as a kind of charming, depersonalizing experience that causes us to forget about our mundane, day-to-day life and take a plunge in the musical realm, somewhere outside ourselves. Mrs. Mauclair says that the quality of the sound can both drive someone crazy in a positive way, and calm down the spirit. She says that to the spiritual love for good quality music, she also adds some sort of violent, nervous drunkenness that feeds on sounds as if they were alcohol.

Others consider that the impact of music on its listeners can be viewed from a different perspective. Instead of the violent, passionate pleasure some claim to feel when listening to certain musical pieces, others refer to the fact that the very intensity of spiritual passions can raise the human mind to a kind of serene insensitivity, to a certain high level balance which is above and beyond any feelings of joy or sorrow. Thus, the state of spiritual ecstasy is a kind of neutral state of mind. The ecstatic state of mind of those utterly impressed by the beauty of a musical piece can suppress both joy and sorrow in a sort of neutralized perception.

The emotional rhythm or tone of a certain musical bit can actually bring someone to a real day-dreaming kind of mood. This can be accompanied by the mind’s association of the sounds with certain visual images, created of course by the power of one’s imagination. Although they may not follow a certain logical or chronological order, such images can present themselves under the form of certain landscapes, or something like pictures. The listener can thus remember certain things from his past, or can dream about the present or his future. This is what music can actually do to one’s mind. Such ideas are usually typical of those belonging to Romanticism. Romantics considered music to be the supreme art, which was able to touch the very essence of things. Delacroix says that such people may interpret the exuberance and magic of music as a sort of fusion with the absolute, or as a sort of disappearance in the absolute.

Fear of Failure Origins

It can come from many sources but fear of failure is usually an enemy we have to fight at one point or another in our lives.

Some psychology experts, in their explanations regarding the phenomenon of neurosis, made reference to Kafka's "The Trial". In this novel, Kafka introduces the theme of existence's absurdity. In short, in this novel we are presented with a character who asks the guardian of the law to let him enter. The guardian tells him that this thing was possible, but not at that moment. He also said to the protagonist that if he really wanted to go in, he should go in without caring for his presence inside, to ignore him. But that he should also remember that he is strong. So the man sat down on a chair and began waiting for permission to go in. Tens of years thus went by. On his dying bed, he asked the guardian why no one else wanted to go in apart from him. So the guardian replied that the man was the only one expected to come in, and that he could now shut the gate.

Many of us can recognize ourselves in this character that condemns himself to stay with his own life. Desire supposes confronting ourselves with the risk of being refused. For some people, the very first life experiences are so painful that they go for a passive attitude waiting for someone else to give them the possibility to exist. There is nothing more damaging to one's self-esteem and self-trust than infantilizing parents, who are incapable of giving to the child the illusion of the power to control something. Martin Seligman, one of the founders of positive psychology, elaborated the theory of the so-called learnt incapacity. What these parents had in common, the psychologist noticed, was that they all believed they had practically no power to act on their own destiny, and nothing could get them out of this mentality.

The American psychiatrist named Irvin Yalom said that in order for us to decide on something, we have to give up on something else. And we also need to realize that we are the only ones who can act on our own life, we are the ones to decide and have to take up this hard responsibility. In this respect, neurotic people sort of refuse to take up this responsibility, that of assuming their own life and remain some dependent kids deep down inside.

The psychoanalyst by the name of Jacques Arènes concludes after having listened to his patients that the very first and most powerful obstacle for someone's self-accomplishment is the fear of failure. And this fear usually manifests itself by negative judgments such as: "I am not good enough to succeed, I'm too stupid, it's useless to try it's not my style or type", and many other such assertions. In order to get rid of the fear of failure we must also rid ourselves of any fixed idea such as for instance, considering that we would only be happy when we meet the perfect partner or when we get the perfect job, when we have the perfect house and become perfect parents and friends, so on and so forth. The thought that we will one day achieve these perfect things makes us inactive, especially if they are fed by those close to us. Arènes stresses the idea that even if we are the makers of our own destiny, that we choose our path in life, there is heavy load put on us by the entourage. It's very hard to keep on trusting yourself when no one else around trusts you, or when you come from a family of anxious people.

And among the most frequent causes of fear of failure and lack of self-accomplishment we can include the difficulty in finding out what we were born for. In this respect, Jacques Lacan says that we were programmed to mistake our own desires with other people's desires. We tend to absorb our parents' expectations who want to live through us what they couldn't live themselves. Because of that, many children take on these desires and ignore their very own and end up complaining about a never-leaving sensation of inner void.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What is an Out Of Body Experience?

An out of body experience also called as OOBE or OBE is an experience in which a person has a feeling of leaving his body and observing himself and the world from outside his body. Out of body experiences are also referred to as astral projections.

Who experiences an Out of Body Experience?

Studies have shown that about 10 percent of the population experiences an out of body experience once in his lifetime. It can occur to anyone and at any situations. Majority of the people experience an out of body experience while they are sleeping, resting or dreaming. Others may experience it when ill or while under the influence of an anesthetic.

Some people may experience an out of experience when drugged or medicated. A person may also experience it when he is near death. Such cases are referred as Near Death Experiences or NDE’s. Recent surveys have reported some cases in which motorcycle riders experienced an out of body experience. They found themselves floating over the motorcycle observing the own body and still continued to ride.

How does an Out of Body Experience occur?

All out of body experiences don’t occur spontaneously. Some people get them induced as desired by using various techniques. They even make a note of the things they undergo while experiencing an out of body experience.

But the experiences of the people who have undergone induced out of body experience are different from those who have undergone spontaneous out of body experience.

Majority of the people who undergo induced out of body experience feel that they are still in a body but a body, which can be altered according to their wish. But most of the people undergoing spontaneous out of body experience find themselves disembodied. That is they feel that they are outside their body and looking at their own body from the outside world.

Why do some people experience an Out of Body Experience?

Researches are still going on to find out why do some people experience an out of body experience. Some of the researchers suggest that an out of body experience is nothing but a simple illusion, which is brought about by an abnormally functioning brain. While others suggest that it is mediated by the area of the brain called the angular gyrus.

Some even say that an out of body experience may be experienced as the consciousness and body are separate entities and therefore can exist without each other.

Some people consider an out of body experience a psychological phenomenon. They say that the people may be creating or building up the experiences from the previously learnt things or stored memories. For instance a person may have watched a medical program and when he is hospitalized he may experience the same things that he had watched.

Each person experiencing an out of body experience has a different point of view. Some people say that they feel light and peaceful while other say that they get afraid as they think that they are dying and will never return to their body.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"Who am I? And how I wonder, will this story end? . . . 

My life? It is'nt easy to explain. It has not been the rip-roaring spectacular I fancied it would be, but neither have I burrowed around with the gophers. i suppose it has most resembled a bluechip stock: fairly stable, more ups and downs, and gradually tending over time. A good buy, a lucky buy, and I've learned that not everyone can say this about his life. But do not be misled. I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am common man with common thought and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. 

The romantics would call this a love story, the cynics would call it a tragedy. In my mind, it's a little bit of both, and no matter how you choose to view it in the end, it does not change the fact that involves a great deal of my life and the path I've chosen to follow. I have no complaints about the places it has taken me, enough complaints to fill a circus tent about other thins, maybe, but the path I've chosen has always been the right one, and I would'nt have had it any other way. 

Time, unfortunatley, does'nt make it easy to stay on course. The path is straight as ever, but now it is strewn with the rocks and gravel that accumulated over a lifetime . . . 

There is always a moment right before I begin to read the story when my mind churns, and I wonder, will it happen today? I don't know, for I never know beforehand, and deep down it really doesn't matter. It's the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee, a sort of wager on my part. And though you may call me a dreamer or a fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible.
I realize that odds, and science, are againts me. But science is not the answer; this I know, this I have learned in my lifetime. And that leaves me with the belief that miracles, no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable, are real and can occur without regard to the natural order of things. So once again, just as I do ecery day, I begin to read the notebook aloud, so that she can hear it, in the hope that the miracle, that has come to dominate my life will once again prevail. 

And maybe, just maybe, it will."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Universality of Truth

There are billions of people living on this planet earth, and probably trillions more living in other regions of the universe or in other universes. There are millions and millions of differing opinions, ideas, experiences, and so forth. Is there anything that is common to everyone, irrespective of their personal experience or different ideas?

Some people hypothesize that there is no common basis of understanding or experience, and that basically everything is made up according to one’s own like or dislikes. They say that everything is a matter of personal preference. Some people say the Truth is just what we make it up to be, and that just as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so also is truth in the eyes of the beholder.

This form of thinking is rooted in individuality, and is not uncommon in a culture that bases itself on the ideal of rugged individualism. Each of us is, after all, unique and one of a kind. One, who contemplates deeply on this uniqueness of the self, comes to realize that there is a world of difference between being unique and being individualistic. A unique person is truly one of a kind, whereas an individualistic person is quite common and ordinary. Individuality is the quality of ego, whereas uniqueness is an inherent quality of the soul-self, the pure consciousness.

 Ego is the false identification of the conscious self with the mind and body. The soul-self, or pure consciousness, is consciousness devoid of ego expression. When we are really not in our ego, we experience directly the beauty of life, and that experience is always unique, it is always ever-new, and it is not possible to copy that experience in the memory or find a substitute for it. On the other hand, when we are in our ego we intuitively know that our experience is limited, and the mind and ego then react by attempting to cover up our lack. Ego reacts by asserting itself and claims dominion over the mind, which it uses to manufacture images to prop itself up. Ego-individualistic-self-confidence is a very poor substitute for the soul confidence (aatam-vishwas) inherent in the state of pure awareness (aatam-stiti). In fact, it is no substitute at all, because there is no substitute for the state of imageless awareness, the state of pure consciousness.

By its very nature, ego does not let us experience the universality of Truth, because to do so would negate the existence of ego. But of course, ego wants to believe it knows everything, so it creates its own Truth, because to know the Truth makes the ego feel important and powerful, even though the truth it knows is not the Truth at all but only its own images. This is why ego holds onto its images, including its images of universality.

There are many, many religious preachers, pundits, prophets, and profiteers but very, very few real teachers and tellers of Truth. No one can really tell you the Truth unless you are ready to hear it, which means no one can teach you the Truth unless you are ready to learn it. Emotional maturity and the desire to learn are both prerequisites.

We become emotionally mature when we begin to realize that the whole world does not revolve around us. The less self-involved we are, the more fit we become for self-realization. Every insight we have into the real nature of our being increases our desire to learn more. The time comes when our desire for Self Knowledge outweighs all other desires. Eventually we are ready to hear the Truth from the lips of a True Teacher.

The Truth-teacher is a facilitator and not a dictator. He or she simply facilitates the truth-seeker in the search for Truth. A true Guide will guide you to look within your own self and discover by direct perception your own True Self.

It is not possible to see clearly if our perception is clouded by our misconceptions, images, and false knowledge. As long as we are holding onto our ego we will remain confused and unhappy. We need to drop our ego by letting go of our images and begin with a clean slate. As the Zen meditation says, We need to empty the picture filled with mud and water, so that the fresh water can be poured into it. We need to empty our mind of all our preconceived notions of Truth in order to learn the Truth from within. When we drop our ego and images we become simple, humble, human beings, who are eager and earnest to get to the bottom of the matter and experience the Truth directly.

Everyone who has had a taste of divine bliss, a taste of Truth, knows without any doubt that is absolutely real and far beyond the realm of mind, intellect, and ego. Everyone who has had an insight into the Nature of Truth, knows unequivocally that this Truth is Universal and has nothing at all to do with individuality, morbidity, mortality, and immorality.

People who are individualistic, people who are depressed and morbid, people who are dying every day in selfishness, and people who are living immoral, fiendish, degrading lives do not know the real meaning of this beautiful human life. They remain asleep in Ignorance and continue to suffer in the duality of their nightmares and fantasies until they awaken to the still small voice within, the whisper of their own soul beckoning them to return home to their True Self, to reclaim their inheritance of Supreme Ecstasy and Divine Love.

Truth is not in the eyes of the beholder but in the eyes of the True Beloved. When we look into the eyes of the true Love of our Life (that is, when we have the perception of the vision of Eternity), we forget our own small self and experience directly the Supreme, Divine, Universal Truth.

Universal Principles

The basic component of the Universe, energy, occurs in either materialized or un-materialized form. All that we see and feel is an expression of energy. Energy is synonymous with love. When we resist the flow of energy, or love, we experience discomfort. When we align with the energy flowing around us, we feel joyful and at peace.

Since the essence of everything is pure loving energy, in the truest sense, we are one. When we feel our connection to our Oneness, we feel the power of who we really are. Our Oneness, love, is indivisible. Whenever we attempt to withhold love from anyone, we withhold love from everyone, including ourselves.

There Is Nothing Outside Of Us
In order to have our human experiences, we created the apparent reality that we are living outside the Oneness; that there are things and people that can affect us without our consent. The truth is that there is nothing outside of us; all that we see is our Self.

Our Oneness is perfect and expresses this perfection as unconditional love and support. Whatever unfolds is God happening. When we see other than unconditional love unfolding, we are not seeing clearly. We create un-clarity to have the experiences that we came into the human form to have. When we are ready to see with greater clarity, we embrace whatever is before us in unconditional love, trusting that the Universe, in its constant expression of unconditional love, is sending us the perfect support. With practice, our clarity grows, along with our appreciation for the unconditional love and support that is always present.

Under the guidance of our Souls, we intentionally adopt the beliefs we hold in order to provide ourselves with the precise experiences we are having. These beliefs help us hide our power so that our journey as humans can unfold as we planned before we entered this realm. The urge to explore life as a human beyond the limitations of these beliefs is a signal that our Soul Selves are looking to guide us in finding and reclaiming the power we had previously hidden, and to awaken us to the truth of who we really are.

Intuition, Feelings and Power
Our Infinite Intelligence communicates to us through our intuition, which we access through our feelings. The more willing we are to feel our feelings, the more able we are to connect with the power that resides in them. The true power in the Universe is a totally peaceful power.

Mutual Support
Our Universe functions as a mutual support system in which each and every thing in existence relates to and affects every other thing. Every person and circumstance in our lives is there to support us by reflecting back to us the present state of our consciousness. The prevalent belief that we are naturally competitive and adversarial is just a mirroring back to us of our acceptance of that belief. The more we look for the support that is present in each event and circumstance in our lives, the more we appreciate how perfect the Universe’s support for us truly is.

The Mirror Principle
Everything that we see and feel is a reflection of the state of our own consciousness. Every person we attract into our lives is showing us a perception we hold about ourselves. Every feeling expressed by another mirrors a feeling deep within us. This reflection is a gift, for it allows us to be aware of the beliefs we hold, and the power that we have hidden in them.

Non judgment
We have been carefully taught to evaluate and judge much of what we experience. However, right and wrong, good and bad are just beliefs, places where we have hidden a lot of our power. The truth is that everything that occurs is just another event or circumstance. Judging something keeps whatever we judge the way we judge it. Also, judging anyone or anything tells us that we are judging ourselves in the same way. Judging creates discomfort within us that can only be relieved by opening our hearts, first to the judgment and then to the person or thing we have judged. Expanding this openhearted energy leads to the joyful feeling of unconditional love for ourselves as the wholeness and completeness of who we really are.

Our Soul knows our purpose for this lifetime and initially supports us by helping us hide our power and our knowing so that we may have the experiences we came here to have. When we are ready to reconnect with infinite intelligence, our Soul supports us in uncovering our power and our knowing. We are always on purpose, and we are always perfect support for experiencing and expressing ourselves in accordance with our purpose.

Comfort and Discomfort
Our bodies are magnificent instruments that we create to support us in having the experiences we come to the human form to have. Our bodies are created and maintained in consciousness. They mirror the state of our consciousness, which includes the collective consciousness beliefs in how to look, act, age and die. Unencumbered by our beliefs, our consciousness is unlimited, as are our bodies. The natural state of our consciousness is perfect ease, as is the natural state of our bodies. The limited beliefs we have about our bodies are there to love and embrace just the way they are. This opens the energy held in the beliefs as it opens the energy in our bodies from that of dis-ease to ease.

Abundance is our natural state. Everything we experience is part of the abundance. When limitation appears, we are seeing a reflection of our beliefs in limitation. Opening these beliefs provides us with a clearer view of our abundance.

Giving and Receiving
Giving and receiving always occurs in balance. It is important to receive gratefully, as it is to give voluntarily, generously, and with no expectations. Our willingness to keep the energy flowing in and out of our lives supports the energy in expanding. The corollary to the principle of giving and receiving is that we give only to ourselves. Since we are all One, when we are giving to another, we are giving to ourselves.

Non-attachment and Freedom
Our perceived need to hold on to anything or anyone demonstrates our belief in shortage and personal incompleteness. Holding on to anything - - people or possessions -- blocks the flow of energy around our experience with the person or object and reduces the joy of the experience. It also inhibits new people and new things from coming into our lives. As we open our hearts and expand our trust in the natural abundance of the Universe, we give ourselves and everyone else the gift of freedom.

Expressing Who We Really Are
Each of us has one or more talents we love to express. When we are fully and freely expressing who we really are, we feel joyful and fulfilled. Since how we see and feel about ourselves is how we see and feel about other people, feeling more love for ourselves is the most mutually supportive focus we can have

Means and Ends
Means and ends are the same. The action and outcome are one. To enjoy a life that works perfectly, we see and feel the perfection of everything and everyone, including ourselves. To experience the natural abundance of the Universe, we feel and express gratitude for everything just the way it is.

Harmony in Relationships
Every relationship in our lives reflects our relationship with ourselves. Every person we attract is there to support us in opening our hearts and reclaiming our power. When we feel love for ourselves, and the perfection of ourselves, just the way we are, we attract loving and harmonious relationships with other people.

The Universe Handles the Details
Taking care of the details of our lives is generally considered a rational mind activity. However, when our rational minds are active, we shut out our Infinite Intelligence, which has the capacity to handle the details in ways that are vastly more supportive of us and everyone else.

As we learn to relinquish our rational thinking and surrender to our intuition -- our connection to Infinite Intelligence -- we discover how easily, effortlessly and spontaneously events unfold for us.

And because there is one Universe, there and one set of laws and principles governing all life in it, there also must be one truth... In the next chapter we will take a look at that truth.

Another Perspective on the Laws Of The Universe

Every time we focus on something we are calling it towards us. With our thoughts and beliefs, we invite people, situations and material things into our life. Often we can use our energy in resistance. Many invoke this law without being aware of doing it.

Your conscious mind can discriminate between a negative and a positive instruction but your unconscious mind cannot tell the difference. The following words invokes this law: don't, can't, wont or not. You become what you resist. Whatever you resist persists in your life and uses up your energy in struggle. Never resist failure or poverty. Instead attract success and wealth. Always embrace the positive rather than resist the negative. Releasing control frees energy.

One positive way of transforming negative thoughts is to write them down and then burn the piece of paper.

Then write down what you do want so as to attract that into your life instead. If you are in conflict you stay stuck.

If someone is blaming another for what is happening in his own life, he is a victim who is resisting taking responsibility for what he has created. Anything that you are resisting has a message for you. If you have recurring patterns of failure constantly picture yourself succeeding. Quit resisting. Decide what you do want in life and start to send out magnetic, excited, Enthusiastic energies to draw the positive to you. What you resist persists in your life and drains you of energy. Embrace what you do want and feel alive.

Law Of Attraction
You have drawn towards you everything and everyone who is in your life. You send out into the ether the story of your patterns, emotional energy, mindsets, and denials, likes and dislikes. People who do not resonate on our frequency simple are not attracted to us. The vibration you emit is made up of your conscious and unconscious energy, some magnetic, some repellent and some neutral. Like attracts like Qualities such as love, kindness, delight or generosity transmit a high frequency and magnetize people with similar energy. The universe provides mirrors for us to look into. Our underlying beliefs attract people and situations to us. If you think negative thoughts you attract negative people and situations to you. Whenever something is not materializing, as you would like it, examine your underlying feelings and change them. The inner attracts the outer. If something in your outer world is not what you want it to be, look inside and shift how you feel about Yourself. You will automatically attract different people and experiences to you. Remind yourself of your good qualities. Send out positive light and wait for a miracle to be drawn towards you. You are a magnet: you attract like to you.

The Law Of Request
Under spiritual law, if you want help, you must ask for it. It is better to help another only when they ask you for help. If you feel you want to help someone else without their permission then you need to look at the part within yourself that feels the need to rescue them. A being of Light never interferes with your life. But they will save you from an accident or death if it is not your karma. They will also see you make mistakes so you can learn and grow. There are times when you may wish to ask for help. This is done calmly and with strength. As soon as you are ready to ask for help you are ready to receive it. You are ready to accept the wisdom that goes with it. Then the higher powers will align themselves to help you. The person who is steadfastly walking the spiritual path goes within to look for answers. As soon as you are ready to know something the teacher will appear to provide it. When you are ready to formulate the question, you are ready to receive the answer. When you need help first quiet and center yourself. Meditate on what you really want and find
clarity about it. Then request help to your spiritual helpers. The answer lies in the question. The more clarity you have in your question, the fuller the help you will receive. They will always help you. The universe is waiting to help you. All you have to do is ask.

As Within So Without
Earth is a place of learning where our lessons are presented to us by making our outside world an exact reflection of our inner world. If you feel secure, loved, safe and happy inside you will have secure, safe and happy people in your life. If you feel angry, self-critical or feel rejected deep inside, you will have people who get angry at you, or put you down or who abandon you. The universe rearranges itself to reflect your reality. Literally as within so without. Your body is a mirror of your deep, often unconscious, inner feelings. The left side of our body reflects our attitude to women and the past. The right side reflects our attitude to men and the future. The words we choose to use also reflect the condition of our bodies. So if you have a 'pain in the neck', who is being a 'pain in the neck' in your life. If you say or think it enough times, you will get a 'pain in the neck'. The kind of car we own is a deep inner reflection of who we are. Like wise, our home and our pets reflect our inner qualities. The higher beings who watch over us cause the material objects in our life to alter according to our inner state. So if we want to change something in our lives then we need to alter our beliefs and attitudes in order for our outer world to change. The universe rearranges itself to bring you what you believe.

As Above So Below
This is the first Law of the Universe. On Earth as it is in heaven. The Universe loves you and holds a vision of your future as an enlightened person no matter what mistakes you are making on Earth. God does not judge you, only encourages. You have free will to make your own choices in life. God will not force you to do his will. he Universe waits without judgment as we experience and learn. When we are ready it opens new doors. God wants us to be happy, fulfilled, prosperous and healthy.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What You Need to Keep in Mind

Love Is The Law Of Life: All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore, love for love's sake, because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.

It's Your Outlook That Matters: It is our own mental attitude, which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light.

Life is Beautiful: First, believe in this world - that there is meaning behind everything. Everything in the world is good, is holy and beautiful. If you see something evil, think that you do not understand it in the right light. Throw the burden on yourselves!

Don't Play the Blame Game: Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.

Help Others: If money helps a man to do well to others, it is of some value; but if not, and it is ill gotten gains, then the sooner its energy is transmuted, the better.

Uphold Your Ideals: Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to his own highest ideal, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.

Listen To Your Soul: You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

Nothing Is Impossible: Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin - to say that you are weak, or others are weak.

You Have The Power: All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.

Learn Everyday: The goal of mankind is knowledge... now this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside: it is all inside. What we say a man 'knows', should, in strict psychological language, be what he 'discovers' or 'unveils'; what man 'learns' is really what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge.

Be Truthful: Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything.

Think Different: All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.

Universal Laws

The Law of Divine Oneness
The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.

The Law of Vibration
This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

The Law of Action
The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.

The Law of Correspondence
This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. "As above, so below."

The Law of Cause and Effect
This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we "reap what we have sown."

The Law of Compensation
This Universal Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings.

The Law of Attraction
This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

The Law of Relativity
This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative.

The Law of Polarity
This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

The Law of Rhythm
This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

The Law of Gender
This Universal Law states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with the Gods.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Single vs. Marriage

  • Single means you have the time to grow and be the person you want to be. 
  • Single gives you space to grow. It is harder to grow when you are too close to someone. 
  • Single means learning to live by you. 
  • Single means freedom. 
  • Single means learning not to need a man/woman to make your life meaningful. 
  • Single is realizing that being married is not necessarily better. 
  • Single means that there could be something wonderful around the corner and can take advantage of it. 
  • Single means you are free to love again. 

  • Marriage is not a word, but a sentence (Life sentence). 
  • Marriage is very much like a violin, after the sweet music is over, the strings are attached. 
  • Marriage is love, love is blind. Therefore marriage is an institution for the blind. 
  • Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's and the woman gets her Masters. 
  • Marriage is a thing which puts a ring on a woman's finger and two under the man's eyes. 
  • Marriage Certificate is just another name for a work permit. 
  • Marriage is not just having a wife but also inherited worries forever. 
  • Marriage requires a man to purchase 4 types of "Ring"-engagement ring, wedding ring, suffe-ring and endu-ring. 
  • Marriage life is full of excitement and frustration. In the first year, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. And in the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen. 
  • It is true that love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener. 
  • Getting married is very much like going to the restaurant with friends. You ordered what you want, and when you see what the other fellow has, you wished you had ordered that. 
  • It’s true, all men are born free and equal but some of them get married. 
  • A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking, the husband gives and the wife takes. 
  • Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock. 
  • They say that when a man holds a woman's hand before marriage. It is love. After marriage is self-defence. 
  • When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten year married man looks happy, we wonder why. 
  • There was this lover who told his love that he would go through hell for her. They got married and now he is going through hell. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Move Things With Your Mind

Move things with your mind? Sounds weird, doesn't it? You may think that a person who moves object with the mind does not belong to our planet. However, believe it or not, this task is certainly within the reach of humans. It is the power of the mind that can make the object move. It is the thought power that influences things, thereby forcing it to move. You need to take efforts in the right direction to accomplish this task. Moving things with your mind is not black magic, and it requires years of regular practice to get the desired result.

How to Move Things with your Mind?

Moving objects with your mind requires a great deal of concentration. Your mental health needs to be in the topmost condition. A flickering or wavering mind is not capable to move objects. One has to fully concentrate on the object to be moved. The mind has to be free from all other thoughts. Practice and patience will help you to achieve that state of mind. Focus your mind on the object and make sure that you think of nothing else other than the object. Practicing this everyday as many times as you can will bring you to a stage when you start thinking the object as being a part of yourself. If you are focusing on the thing in the right manner, it is likely to move. A mind that is completely focused on the object without any distraction has the capability to show this magical phenomenon.

This rare ability of moving things by using the power of the mind is often termed as psychokinesis (telekinesis) (PK). A handful of people have shown the ability to move things with the mind. These people have demonstrated their PK abilities by moving objects like matches, crystal bowels, match boxes and even clock pendulums. One of them was even able to bend spoons and keys publicly. As only a few people have been able to demonstrate psychic abilities, it can be concluded that it is not easy to develop psychokinetic powers. There is no doubt that the power to mentally move an object is a remarkable feat.

Scientists are unable to explain the phenomenon of psychokinesis. They too are perplexed and have failed to understand how an object can be moved without physically touching it. Scientists are astonished and find it hard to believe that the mind is capable of directing objects the way it wants to. One theory says, when the mind is focused on some object, the thought power may be responsible for activating physical energy, thereby causing the object to move.

Activating Psychokinetic Powers

You can move things with your mind, if you are successful in triggering your telekinetic energy. Thoughts focused on a particular object can bring the desired outcome. Certain mind control techniques can be beneficial to improve your concentration. Your mind should be relaxed and not under stress when trying this technique. Instead of attempting to influence movement of objects like a matchbox or a table, initially determine whether you are able to move things on a microscopic level. It is known as micro-PK. You can test your micro-PK powers with devices like random number generators. Or else, you can start training your mind for this task by concentrating on smaller objects like safety pins and needles. Remember, practicing this daily can help in achieving your goal.

It is said that daily meditation for at least half an hour can help to develop psychokinetic powers. Strengthening PK abilities is a long process that takes considerable amount of time and practice. You too have psychokinetic power. All you need to do is to activate it to a level that can help you to move things with your mind.